Cellarnotes.net is the personal and
private effort of Dan Miller. I spent just under 30 years in
the fine wine business in the United States of America. Most
of my time in the wine industry was with the fine wine
division of Seagram dealing with many of the best wines of
France, California and several of the other top wine
producing regions of the world. I have been fortunate enough
to visit the regions, walk the vineyards and cellars, and
taste wines from the finest wineries.
Cellarnotes.net is my attempt to pass along some of the
knowledge that has come my way. Some of the content on this
web site is here to help the person who is new to wine find
their way more easily. Some of the content is for the avid
collector or wine professional to make their search for information a bit easier (especially regarding Bordeaux).
I hope you enjoy Cellarnotes.net and find it beneficial. Please
respect the copyright of the content. You must contact me for
specific permission in order to use any of the content in any
media or for any purpose.